Monday, May 4, 2009

Lake Tranquility

Today it rained, all day, every minute, every second, splat splat splat. And it's still raining.
I am in my plaid flannel pajama bottoms and hello kitty t shirt. No make up, no hair, no socks, all day. I painted and sewed, ignoring the bathroom that is crying out for a cleaning. I am eating chocolate yoplait whipped yogurt & whispering thank yous to the Heavens that all three of my children are safe and sound, home and well. Tonight my insomniatic 5 year old and my insomniatic self will make origami sailboats out of magazine pages and sail our troubles away in the patio puddles.


  1. Hey L-,
    I Love Lake Tranquility, Congratulations on the home coming queen, Thank God !
    Its NOT nice here either, as U may have guessed, rain the rest of this week, and here I thought it was SPRING, My flat of multi-colored Petunia's are sitting on the front porch waiting to be planted, I hope they don't freeze, Freeze in May ? some might ask, are you nuts? well no, if I still lived on the Calif desert I wouldn't believe it either, Hey Sail your boat up this way and visit..

    Our pond in the meadow is verrrryyy full, the little horses are grazing out front because their pasture is under water, do we really need more rain ;^)?

    Glad U got something constructive done today...besides eating that chocolate yoplait, yummy, I need some chocolate !!!

    I did paint one lid today, and I did plant one plant ,oh well tomorrow is another day ,I need to vacuum too. heck with the bathrooms

    TTYL, Luv ya, S-

  2. Congratulations on Lake Tranquility, Glad all the kiddo's are ok, Thank God!

    Hey you could sail your boats up here, we have a lake in the meadow where the pasture is supposed to be, the little horses are having to graze out front now

    Do we really need much more rain here, TTYL, S-

  3. Sorry abt the double post they said the first one didn't go thru...but guess it did

  4. One for each eye, its all good...


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