Monday, April 20, 2009


When I was unfortunately a slave to eBay, I got a reputation for using the "sparkklejar MaGiC LeTTeRs". ~Which became a running joke that using lowercase alternated with uppercase letters in your listing title somehow magically attracted hoards of bidders with a phenomenal closing bid.

Someone in an Etsy forum likened the look to a ransom note which I think is quite hilarious.

I also gained the MaGiC LeTTeR bLoX reputation, & once sold a set of 4 shabby pink letter blox that said PINK to a woman in France for 42.00~CrAzY. Then as typical non creative eBay droids do, I got copied by about 20 sellers. It's tough being an innovator. Etsy artists are respectful, and talented enough to have their own ideas & don't need to rip off someone elses.

MaGiC LeTTeRs bring wOrLd PeAcE!

Vintage Upchic'd Wooden K block available:


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